Surgical Sperm Retrieval
This technique is used to help couples where the male partner does not ejaculate sperm. A small number of sperm are obtained directly from the epididymis or testicles in a small surgical procedure sufficient for IVF treatment.
PESA- Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration
TESA- Testicular Sperm Aspiration
for men with a zoospermia or no sperms in the ejaculate.
Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) -
A sperm recovery technique whereby a fine needle is passed through the skin of the scrotum and into the epididymis region of the testes and sperm are withdrawn using gentle suction, or, retrieving sperm directly from the coiled tubing outside the testicles that store sperm (epididymis) using needle.
Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) -
This sperm extraction technique involves the insertion of a needle into the lower region of the testes and the removal of a small piece of testicular tissue.
Infertility, whether male or female, can be defined as ‘the inability of a couple to achieve conception or to bring a pregnancy to term after a year or more of regular, unprotected intercourse, infertility exclusively a female problem....? No.. The incidence of infertility in men and women is almost identical.

Common Causes... Female Infertility
- Problems In Egg Formation
- Structural Abnormalities
- Diseases / Infection Involving Reproductive Organs.
Common Causes... Male Infertility
- Low sperm count is the main result of the causes associated with reproduction of sperm. When sperm reproduction is affected then there may be low level of sperm producing hormones or damaged testicles or absence of testicles.
- ain external causes are also responsible like overheated varicoceles, tight clothing excessive exercise and extreme hot water bath can prove detrimental to fertility. Long hours of sedentary work can heat up the genitals causing low sperm production.
- ity causes the fat layers to heat up the testicles. Causing low sperm count.
- n is released into the backward into bladder instead of penis during ejaculation. This condition may be since birth or you could have developed it due to diabetes, multiple sclerosis, prostrate surgery or some medications. There may be some obstruction in the passage of the sperm form the testis to the penis.
- opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis instead and thus the semen does not reach the penis.
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